Course Details
What to Expect during the first Semesters of our Study Course.
The Trial Semester
Here you can gain insights into the initial lesson plans with which we welcome and introduce new students. A free reading sample of content from our Trial Semester is available as a PDF download.
Scroll down on this page to see the full content of the 1st Double Semester and to learn more about the structure of our course materials.
For a broader overview on the structure and approach of our long-standing distance learning Study Course, please read the How It Works page and our dedicated FAQ page. We also have a dedicated page to explain our Course Prices.
Hermetic Basics (Knowledge Lessons)
Spiritual Alchemy
The Anagogy of Hermetic Symbolism
The Fire of Tiphareth
About the Right Magical Art
Dharana & Pratyahara
The Knowledge of Water
The Initiatic Path of Insight
The Subtle Body
Adjustment of Imagination Power
Theurgy & Necromancy
Demonology (On the Definition of the Demonic)
Magical Basics (in Theory & Practice)
What is Magic?
Why and How Does Magic Work?
Magic Isms, Paradigms, World Views
Ethical Principles
The Requirements of Magical Work
Magical Ontology
Silence & Sitting Still
Importance and Evaluation of Materiality
Magic Virtues
The Magic Diary and its Substitute
Contemplative Works
Meditation Topics & Forms
Daily Guidelines
Affirmation & Imagination
God – Karma – Existence
Basics of Grimoire Magic

Read our dedicated How It Works page, to learn more about the overall design of IMBOLC’s distance learning Study Course.
The 1st Double Semester
Once you have completed the Trial Semester with your practical and theoretical exams, we welcome you to the first Double Semester. This is a 12 months period (or longer) during which you immerse yourself into the material designed for our 0° Novicii and Neophyti. It marks an important period in your life, when both theoretical and practical foundations are forged, and a deep and healthy integration of magical and everyday life is strived for.
The 1st Double Semester includes the four teaching letters NO-LB 1 to 4. Each teaching letter (TL) is tested in writing and practice, either via SKYPE or with your mentor on site. Each teaching letter contains two forms with extensive control question and control exercise, in order to allow you verify your progression in your studies. – In order to pass an exam 60 percentage points must be obtained for the written and practical tests.
Each double semester comprises 4 teaching letters, approximately 400 pages of teaching material in DIN A4 format, topic-related e-books (PDF) and various audio teaching materials in mp3 format, spoken by the head of IMBOLC. All teaching material is provided electronically.
Hermetic Basics (Knowledge Lessons)
The Magic of Numbers
Volantia, Dekretism & Posism
The Black Raven
On the Reality of Angels
About the Order of the Knights Templar
Magic & Drugs
Gods, Angels and Demons?
Hermeneutics of Hermetics (8 Editions)
Trance & Deep Sleep
Magical Techniques (in Theory & Practice)
Work on the Self and the Opus Magnum
Rite & Ceremonial
The Power of Concentration
The Silence of Thought
Imagination Techniques
Astral Work
Solve et coagula
The Seven Worlds
Physical & Mental Relaxation
Breathing Properly
Magic & Yoga: Asana Techniques
The Exteriorization
The Basic Asana
Relaxation Exercises
Monthly Meditation Topics
Hermetic Basics (Knowledge Lessons)
The Angeloi (Introduction to Angelology)
Demonology in Antiquity
Passive Evocation Techniques
About Witchcraft
The Babylonian Worldview
The Imagination of the Protective Case
The Concept of Satan in Christianity
Ancient Magic (magia antiquitas, agatho- & kakodaimones)
Jewish Magic & Kabbala
Creation & Formation of a Paradigm
On the Problem of the Devil
Magical Techniques (in Theory & Practice)
Gazing Exercises
The Lesser & Greater Introspection (Soul-Searching)
Autosuggestion & Transmutation
Mindfulness & Willpower
Conscious Perception
Training the Mind
Kabbala I (Etz Chiim)
Sub rosa
The Radiance of the Eyes
Concentration & Introspection Exercises
The Elements
Recall Techniques
The Fasting Week
Subjectivation Mechanisms
The System of the Tree of Life
Hermetic Basics (Knowledge Lessons)
The Mystery of the Breath
Hermes Trismegistos
Barrett, Crowley, Nettesheim & Spare
Good & Evil
The Bardon Problem
The Three Steps to Mental Silence
Kabbala II (QBLH)
The Object-Subject Split
Concepts in Magic
Magical Techniques (in Theory & Practice)
Various Breathing Techniques (Pranayama)
Mystery of Prana & Od
Withdrawal of the Senses (Pratyahara)
Concentration Techniques & Thought-Breeding (Dharana)
Mind Control in Everyday Life
Exercises to Strengthen the Will
The Seven Bodies
Kabbala III
Full Breathing Exercises
Mind Flood Control
Mechanisms of Thought Displacement
Emptiness & Silence of Thought
The Middle Pillar
Olfactory-visual Affirmation Techniques
Deconditioning Techniques
Hermetic Basics (Knowledge Lessons)
Foundations for the Creation of Worlds
The Passive Evocation of Raphael
Frontier Violation
Astral Vampires & Sexual Demons
The Constructed Christianity
History of German Occultism
About Love
De veritate corum mensuranda
Magical Techniques (in Theory & Practice)
The Four Elements and their Alchemical Double Action
The Elements-Zodiac Mapping
The Seven Classical Planets
The ZEP Assignment
The Pentagram
The Rituals Of The Pentagram
Symbolic Power
The Kabbalistic Cross
Pranayama, Part 2
The Tree Of Life, Part 3
History Lesson