Walk your own Path into Western Magic.
Our Service.
A comprehensive distance learning course in the faculties of Western Magic. Independent of any occult orders and lodges. Empowering everyone to walk their own path into ritual magic. Since 1992.
Our Approach.
From Angelogy to Witchcraft. From Hermetism to Tibetan Magic. With deep roots in Practice & Philosophy.
12 Courses. 42 Lesson Plans.
10 Years of learning. A Lifetime of Magic.

Your Advantages
FLEXIBILITY - You learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are. In familiar surroundings, while traveling or out in the wild
DESIGN - All practical and theoretical lessons have been custom designed to match the requirements of a distance learning course
PART-TIME - The coursework is intended to be accomplished part-time, with as little as one to two hours of daily study time
HIGH STANDARDS - Practical and theoretical exams can be completed virtually, and allow for unbiased self-monitoring of progress
SELF-EVALUATION - Test questions and test exercises are available for each lesson and enable independent progress control.
SUPERVISION - Both supervision as well as personal mentoring are offered by qualified experts.
ANONYMITY - Under any circumstances, anonymity and discretion are always 100% guaranteed.
MODULAR - The entire coursework is built in a modular structure, i.e. taking a pause between modules or courses is no problem
NON-BINDING - Terminating your training account is possible flexibly, at the end of each training quarter

“The skills I gained at IMBOLC shaped my entire life. They allowed me to become a grown up adult, ready to look at the world, not at myself. They also turned me into a serious magical practitioner, ready to pave my own path. I am eternally grateful.”
— Frater Acher
Your Prerequisites
The basic prerequisite is your Faustian will to achieve the goal you have set yourself. This, in turn, only works with a good amount of discipline, strong intrinsic motivation and sharp ethics.
The IMBOLC curriculum is intended to offer a long-term study course and in its entirety will take roughly ten years to accomplish. Due to its modular structure, each lesson plan and module is coherent and self-contained. Therefore, you determine how many magical faculties you intend to perfect, and how deep you will walk into the arena of Western Magic.
Traditional long-term study programs are often characterised by high dropout rates in the early education segment (usually after 6-12 months), as people can struggle to maintain a high level of persistence without appropriate feedback and the achievement of milestones. That’s why IMBOLC offers 1:1 remote supervision and mentoring from experts, and commits to answering all lesson-related questions within 48h. The mandatory practical and theoretical exams at the end of each lesson plan also enable a meaningful way of self-control and experience of progression.
None of these design mechanism, though, are intended to make up for the most essential question, which over the course of the program you will learn to answer yourself: Why work with magic?

Course Overview
The IMBOLC curriculum consists of twelve courses. They were designed to echo the traditional training structure of the crafts, as well as to align to the kabbalistic Tree of Life (click on the table below to expand).
Each Teaching Letter is a unique lesson plan which contains one main topic, on which you will work for an average of 3 months, both theoretically (areas of knowledge) and practically (exercises and rituals). You will also get a first impression of this if you study our “reading sample”, which consists of an excerpt from the 1st teaching letter of the basic course.
Daily Workload
You no longer have to adapt to a certain learning pace – as you do in a university, for example – which might be too slow or too fast in some cases. You decide how fast you want to progress. The timeframe is the recommended period of study per teaching letter, which is 3 months (one exception is the trial semester, which lasts 6 month).
We recommend investing one to two hours every day for theoretical study and hands-on practice. It is not advisable to take a slap-bang approach, and to power through large quantities of material over a short period, only to exhaust yourself and requiring rest and pause for several weeks to follow.
Defining and sticking to your own rhythm of regular study and practice time is a key success factor for your magical progress and personal satisfaction with the course.
Admission Requirements
You must be 21 years or older. We require a verification of your identity (e.g. copy of your driver’s license). You need to have access to the internet, and will need to transfer your training fees before the start of each semester.